The Queenslander spirit runs deep in the family for Dane Gagai, whose first thought after earning a recall to the Maroons starting side was to let his children know the good news. 

Welcomed back into the fold for his 23rd Origin appearance, Gagai will play at centre for the decider and said his return to the side was the news his sons Cruz and Dante were hoping to hear.

“I got a phone call from Billy and he let me know that I'd be starting and it was a pretty emotional phone call, one I couldn't wait to tell my boys about," Gagai said. 

“I think the emotions were more excitement and happiness and probably more so to let my boys know that I was back in the side.

“That was probably the hardest thing for me when I didn't make the team last year was letting them know, because that's all they've known is me being in a Maroons jersey and obviously kids can't understand why or reasonings for that … but to be able to call them as soon as Billy let me know was a pretty special moment for me.”

Gagai, who is also father to daughter Aiyana, said although he remained focused on playing well for the Knights after missing Origin last year, he never gave up hope of a return.

“I didn't feel like it was over… I knew, I understood, the path that Queensland were taking and if I'm going to be honest, it did cross my mind whether I'd be able to get the call back into the team,” Gagai said.

Gagai grabs a double

“But this is a jersey you never want to give up, but then also a jersey you always have to earn and that's what Billy's always been big on.

“So last year, I was just focusing on playing footy for Newcastle and being the best player I could for them and hopefully one day earn this jersey back.

"I wouldn't say playing with chip on my shoulder, but with a point to prove, obviously I'm 33 now, so I'm not as young as I used to be, but I guess Daly's [Cherry-Evans] probably leading the way there, showing that the old fellas have still got it.”

After the Blues outmuscled Queensland to have them on the back foot for the whole game in Melbourne, there has been suggestion that the in-form Newcastle back is one player who can bring an aggressive mindset to the contest.

While no stranger to the emotion Origin can evoke, Gagai said he wouldn’t be going out to “start any fights” in the decider, but hoped his experience could help the team who have a challenge ahead of them against the Blues.

“We've all got a big job to do as Queenslanders to make sure we nail our preparation so when we go out there, we execute our game plans, I'm not going into this thinking about trying to start a fight, if that's what you're asking,” Gagai said.

Dane Gagai rejoined the Queensland squad as 18th player in Game Two in Melbourne. ©NRL Images

“I'm just going to go out there to do my job and that's just preparing the best I can and helping out the team wherever I can, so that's where my focus is at.

"It's just about helping the team wherever I can and whether that's going in and getting my carries and trying to give the big boys a rest or whatever it may be, it's just about going out with a bit of a point to prove.

“I made my debut in a decider at Suncorp and that was not a simple game for me, but it was just about worrying about myself and doing my job, because the other 16 or 17 guys now around you are going to be doing theirs.

“We have just got to nail our preparation, that's all it comes down to.

“You can't really control what's going to happen on the night, but you can control all the little things leading up into the game so when the moments arise, we're able to capitalise on them.”

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