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Blues winger Zac Lomax has revealed how he had fluid drained from his knee on the eve of a starring performance at the MCG he described as the highlight of his career so far.

Lomax, who made his Origin debut in the series opener, scored two tries and kicked five goals as NSW ran rampant to triumph 38-18 after the most dominant first half in the history of the concept.

Included among Lomax’s 18-point haul was a spectacular 24th minute try from an AFL-style 'speckie' as he soared above Maroons winger Murray Taulagi to snatch a bomb from future Eels team-mate Mitchell Moses and score.

Zac Lomax Try

The feats of the Dragons star were even more impressive considering he was in pain from a bursa below his right kneecap which had to be drained in Melbourne on Tuesday.

“It’s just an inflamed bursa, it just swelled up. There is a bit of a hematoma there and it swelled up, so I got it drained,” Lomax said.

“I just had to do the best I could, and I absolutely love my team-mates so I’m super stoked to get a win. Everyone put in so much effort and we are pumped.”

After performing media interviews in the NSW dressing room with ice on the injury, Lomax hobbled into the medical room in obvious discomfort to seek treatment from Blues doctor Nathan Gibbs.

Blues v Maroons – Game 2, 2024

While he was seen wearing a knee brace on the day of the game, Lomax said he was never in doubt to play.

“You don’t miss an Origin game, so I will be alright to go again,” Lomax said.

However, Dragons team-mate and captain Ben Hunt, who was in the Maroons team, praised Lomax's toughness to perform like he did and take over the NSW goal kicking duties.

"He played another excellent game of footy and we was carrying a bit of an injury to his lower leg too," Hunt said.

"He is tough kid Zac and he showed that again tonight, he played really well and kicked really well, as well." 

Asked about his aerial heroics to score NSW's third try, Lomax said: “I was obviously stoked, you are filled with adrenaline once you come back down with it, but I was just pumped to score an Origin try. It happens pretty quick, and you don’t think about it too much.”

He scored his second try just before halftime to give the Blues a record 34-0 lead and made a line break and seven tackle breaks during his 19 carries, in which he ran 117 metres with the ball.

Zac Lomax 2nd Try

Lomax said his performance in the Origin triumph at the MCG was a career highlight.

“For sure, absolutely. I guess everyone who plays footy wants to be a part of it and the feeling I have, you can’t describe that feeling to see how proud your family are,” he said.

“It’s not about any individual accolades, I just want to be the best team-mate for the Blues. I am super honoured to be here, and the best thing for me is to be able to have all of my family and friends here and be able to spend it with them.

“I just worry about trying to do my job the best I can for my team-mates. I guess that’s why I am here, I just try to compete the best I can.”


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