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The National Rugby League has confirmed that Ashley Klein will referee Ampol State of Origin I, at Accor Stadium on Wednesday, June 5.

Touch judges David Munro and Chris Sutton, as well as Bunker Official Liam Kennedy, will also officiate in the first match of the series.

The NRL has also confirmed that Belinda Sharpe will referee the sold out Ampol Women’s State of Origin II, at Newcastle’s McDonald Jones Stadium on Thursday, June 6.

Tori Wilkie and Karra-Lee Nolan will be touch judges for the second match of the women’s series, while Kasey Badger will be the NRL Bunker official.

The match officials for Ampol State of Origin I are:

Referee: Ashley Klein

Review Official: Liam Kennedy

Touch Judges: David Munro and Chris Sutton

Standby Official: Gerard Sutton

The match officials for Ampol Women’s State of Origin II are:

Referee: Belinda Sharpe

Review Official: Kasey Badger

Touch Judges: Tori Wilkie and Karra-Lee Nolan

Standby Official: Wyatt Raymond