For the first time ever, the NRL and Touch Football Australia will be on show at one of Australia's most iconic locations — Bondi Beach.

As part of the 2022 Telstra Premiership Grand Final celebrations, the iconic white sands of Bondi Beach will be pumping with music, beach touch football matches, League Stars clinics and a festival atmosphere.

There is something for all ages and abilities so grab some family and friends and get to Bondi for some footy at the beach!

How it works

Who can play?

  • 13 years to Open Age
  • Mixed gender teams 

How many per side?

  • Maximum number of players = 6 (minimum 3 females). 

Game day format?

  • Round Robin format - teams will play multiple matches on the sand.

Early bird team registrations can get a FREE NRL Beach Footy Festival Shirt! Shirts are limited in quantity, sizes, colours and preferences are not guaranteed.  

Registration is quick and FREE!

How to Register for touch football

  1. Nominate a Team Manager and pick a fun team name.
  2. The Team Manager fills in the Team Nomination link provided here. You will then get sent a unique team registration link.
  3. Tell the rest of the team members the team name and send them the team registration link. 
  4. Get yourself ready for some footy at the beach!

Spots are limited - Team Registrations close on September 27 or when capacity is reached.

League Stars Clinic 

The League Stars clinic is currently at capacity. Email to be placed on cancellation list.