Every playing group has a dynamic of different personalities but within every group there is the 'cool guy'. Not the ones who think they're cool, but the ones who their team-mates know are cool.
Herman Ese'ese (Broncos)
I'd have to say Matt Gillett. He's a bit of a prankster but he's pretty cool.
Trent Merrin (Panthers)
I'd say 'Sauce' (Josh Mansour) but he's the total opposite. I think James Fisher-Harris. He's just got the swagger around the club and is trendy with the physique. He's like The Rock, he doesn't need to talk.
Ata Hingano (Warriros)
This guy thinks he's cool, it's James Gavet. He's got a motorbike so he parks it right in front of [managing director] Jim Doyle's office. The he comes into the gym, takes his helmet of slowly, whips his hair, then walks off and acts like it's normal. It gets annoying.
Jarrod Wallace (Titans)
I definitely reckon Koni thinks he's the coolest and Peatsy probably considers himself up there as well but I'm going to say Anthony Don. Definitely. He's a character actually. Donny is cool. He's funny, he's humble, but then he's not humble so definitely Donny.
Josh Jackson (Bulldogs)
Brenko Lee.
Blake Ayshford (Warriors)
Charlie Gubb. He is a cool guy. Just the way he is and the stuff he does, Charlie for sure.
Angus Crichton (Rabbitohs)
Connor Tracey is pretty cool. He's just a cool dude 24/7. That's about all I can say. All you have to do is look at him and you'll know what I mean.
Blake Green (Sea Eagles)
Dylan Walker is trendy, has good style, can move and dance pretty well, he's funny, has good banter, he's always got a good haircut and he's a favourite with the girls.
Dale Copley (Titans)
I'm going to go with Anthony Don. He's a cool cat, nothing worries him. He's just cool.
David Fusitu'a (Warriors)
Roger Tuivasa-Sheck; he's a pretty cool dude. He always has all the cool gear, comes in on his bike as well, all done up. Meanwhile we are all rolling up in our little cars and looking at him.