I'm an original Gold Coast Titans member. I sat in the portable stands that were built on the field at Carrara Stadium in 2007 and can probably count on one hand the amount of home games I've missed in the 10 years since.

So I hope when you read this you know that it comes from an honest and loyal place. This is just the opinion of a guy who loves the club and wants it to succeed.

Anthony Don should be what every club aspires to be but especially the Gold Coast Titans.

A professional, a no-nonsense player who competes every minute of every game, a player who works hard to improve for himself and for the rest of his team. A player who doesn't seem to know what it means to be selfish whilst at the same time giving all of himself all of the time.

All four arms of the Titans – the boardroom, coaching staff, players and fans – need to be like that. Let's all get on the same page going in the same direction: forward, improving and, most importantly, together!

How do we do this?

Firstly, a new coach that that has a plan. A one-year plan, a three- year plan and a five-year plan for the playing roster, for the goals of the club and for how he wants the club to be seen by its supporters. A coach that doesn't kowtow to some players over others.

Secondly, I want a strong leadership group of players that aren't afraid to tell their teammates, be they superstars or rookies, that what they are giving is not enough. A group of players that stand up and take ownership of this club. These are professional athletes playing a very hard game and asking them to play their hardest every week should not be unreasonable.

Next, I want the boardroom to support the club, the coach, the players and the fans.

I want a style of play that is fresh, new and that allows for players to play football and not be robots but at the same time have heart and pride in defending their try-line set after set.

A team where players are not afraid to make mistakes; players who know the biggest mistake is not trying hard enough and for that they will be held accountable.


I want Ash Taylor to be the first person to play 300 games for the Titans.

I want Tyrone Roberts to re-sign and play five-eighth beside his good mate.

I want aggressive Ryan James back.

I want Nathan Peats to continue being Nathan Peats.

I want Joe Greenwood to have a great off-season and come back healthy and make an impact.

I want Konrad Hurrell laughing when he gets up to play the ball after knocking four guys on their butts.

I want Jarryd Hayne to play football like he did for the Eels in 2009 and the NSW Blues in 2014. To be interested and invested in playing and perform at a level that doesn't tarnish his legacy.

I want my club's best 17 players taking the field every week playing their best football regardless of the opposition, injuries, location or stakes.

I want a team that the fans – and there are many of us out here – can be proud of.

They might not always win but we know that whenever we wear a Titans shirt or jersey we can wear it with pride, including the players.

I want positive action and not positive talk!

I want Anthony Don's doggedness and competitive nature to wash over the entire club and influence everyone.

The Don is good; well the Titans can be too.

All they have to do is believe it and band together to achieve it.

Richard Maxwell is a Gold Coast Titans member and is not employed by NRL.com or the NRL. The views in this article may not represent those of NRL.com or the NRL.