NRL Daily is a half hour show focused exclusively on the daily happenings in the NRL, and will be available every weeknight in prime time on the, across the Telstra Network on mobile phones and the Telstra T-Box.

Daily Update - The focus may be on State of Origin Game Two, but there’s still plenty of other news from across the Rugby League landscape.

Barrett’s final thoughts - Gibbsy and Brandy chat with New South Wales assistant coach Trent Barrett in the moments leading up to State of Origin Game Two.

Queensland’s lucky Coyne - In 1994, Queensland’s Mark Coyne scored one of the most memorable tries in Origin history. The former Dragons flyer shares his thoughts on the current series.

Final Origin predictions - Well, it’s almost time for the talk to stop and the footy to begin, so Gibbsy and Brandy get off the fence and give us their State of Origin Game Two predictions.

Viewer Mailbag - The boys take a dip into the NRL Daily mailbag to hear what the fans are talking about.