In an Australian first, the logo of a charity will appear on the front of the VB Kangaroos jersey when they play France on 7 November. VB has offered the spot to its long term charity partner Movember to support its month-long fund raising campaign.

“VB is a proud, long term partner of Movember”, said Paul Donaldson, VB Marketing Manager. “There’s no better one-off replacement for the VB logo than Movember. They do brilliant work locally but are also growing their reach internationally and we’re excited to offer them more support.”

Being placed on the uniform of an Australian jersey is a rare privilege usually reserved for a small collection of brands.

Movember co-founder Luke Slattery said, “Having our logo on the jersey of a national sporting team is not something we ever envisaged happening. Movember is all about generating conversation and awareness around men’s health and this will do that. There’s no doubt that this is a huge opportunity for us and we are extremely grateful to VB for the opportunity. We are looking forward to seeing the Mo, and its messages, travel to France.”

“We’re calling on all League fans to get behind the VB Kangaroos and join in Movember by registering as a Mo Bro or Sista at,” added Slattery.

The French don’t allow alcohol brands on League jerseys, and while VB has a proud and respected position in Australian sport – the brand is also keen to ensure the team respects local regulations.  The sponsorship for this single match is valued at more than $300,000. Rather than let it go to waste or sell it to another sponsor, VB has gifted it to Movember.  It will deliver great exposure for Movember in Europe – an emerging region for the charity. 

Great mates often get together over a beer and share life’s ups and downs, and VB is committed to promoting responsible consumption and partnering with initiatives like Movember that benefit Australians

Australian VB Kangaroos forward Nathan Hindmarsh: “This is a cause the boys are proud to support and it will be plenty of fun as well.”

Australian VB Kangaroos hooker Cameron Smith: “It would be great to see all our fans get behind Movember and support research into these important health issues.”

VB Kangaroos players, coaches and support staff will be throwing their support behind Movember too, with several joining the “VB Kangaroos” – one of the thousands of Movember fundraising teams. Smith and Hindmarsh are both growing Mos this Movember. Australian rugby league fans can go to to support the boys.